
Week of June 5-6, 2023

Happy Friday Trailblazer families, We had a blast at our Field Day Activities today!  Thank you to all of our volunteers and our fabulous PTC for putting it all together!  We appreciate it so much! 20,000 VILLAGE DOJO POINTS-WE DID IT! This week our school reached our goal of 20,000 Village DOJO Points and we celebrated by doing a playground switch up and having a recess Bubble Party!  We are so proud of the combined effort of our 650 students that earned those Village DOJO Points by being fantastic Listeners, incredibly Empathetic, wonderfully Accountable and amazingly Disciplined this year!  Way to LEAD, Trailblazers!   5TH GRADE LAST DAY EVENTS-SEND OFF PARADE AND SEND OFF PARTY Next Tuesday is a big day for our 5th Graders!  To help decrease congestion in the office on the last day of school we are asking all 5th grade family members who plan to attend the Send Off Parade and/or Party to complete THIS form so badges can be prepped and ready to go. This form must be completed by